Monday, May 7, 2012

READY FOR SUMMER Challenge Week 6 Check-In and Week 7 Goals

Sorry I am late to the game this go-round. I've not been my normal self the last few days. Just to show you I did at least attempt a little exercise this week... here is a pic of DH an I after a small hike in the mountains here around our house. 

Weight Loss :: Lose 2 lbs.  

Success or failure? Well, I guess it depends on how you look at it.  Last Sunday I weighed in at 284.0. On Friday morning I was at 282.9. A 1.1 lb loss so far for the week. Then, Aunt Flo showed up a week early. I've been beyond bloated and an emotional nutcase. On Saturday morning I was 287.0!  Over a 4 lb gain over night! So who knows.

Sunday, April 29 :: 284.0 
Monday, April 30 :: Didn't weigh 
Tuesday, May 1 :: 284.0 
Wednesday, May 2 :: 283.4 
Thursday, May 3 :: 283.4 
Friday, May 4 :: 282.9 AF 
Saturday, May 5 :: 287.0 AF 
Sunday, May 6 :: 288.0 AF

I'm going to go with what I weighed on Friday and just wait it out til next week and see where I land. 

SW: 293.8
W1: 292.8 (-1)
W2: 292.0 (-0.8) 
W3: 292.0 (-0)
W4: 289 (-3)
W5: 284.0 (-5)
W6: 282.9 (-1.1)
CW:282.9 (-10.9) Total so far.  

NSV :: Make it 3 days without Diet Coke. 

Yeah, this didn't happen. Not even close. 

Exercise :: Attempt P90X Plyometrics with my husband again. Make it further than the 21 minutes we made it last time.  

Nope. Didn't do it. 

Nutrition :: Track every single calorie. Even if I eat out, even if I eat crap, even if I go over.. track it! Be accountable for my actions! 

Haha. No, not even going to go there.

Now that week 6 is over, I'm ready to pull my self back together and get on with it. I'm praying week 7  is a good one. I'm not reaching for the stars this week. I'm just hoping to make it through. 

Weight Loss :: Manage to land on anything below 282.9. Any loss at all will thrill me. 
NSV :: Try not to be a nutcase all week and get my motivation back.
Exercise :: Put a serious effort into getting some form of exercise, everyday!
Nutrition :: Try not to eat crap.

Good luck this week!


  1. Oh, I can so relate to your NSV goal of trying not to be nut case all week! LOL. Oy. Life is so hard & stressful sometimes. Good luck with your goals and I hope you return to feeling like yourself soon!

    1. Thanks Jenn. I'm feeling much better today than I did yesterday. Maybe tomorrow will be even better!

  2. Great picture! My husband and I used to go on day hikes before we were married. That was almost 14 years ago. I will definitely plan some hikes for this summer. Reducing my diet soda consumption is such a challenge, but I'm working on it. Good luck this week.

    1. Good luck on your hikes. They can be so fun!!!

      My Diet Coke consumption has been reduced dramatically. In the past I drank Diet Coke all day long. No water, milk, etc. Just Diet Coke. On Jan. 1, I decided to let go of the habit. I started to wean myself off. Like 3 the first day, two the next, one the next, etc. That way I didn't end up with massive migraines from the caffeine withdraw. Now I can skip a couple days and it is not an issue. I generally only have one Diet Coke a day if I do drink it and I get in at least 8 glasses of water a day. It is just a personal goal to go 3 days without it. It just hasn't happened.

  3. I think this week is not a reflection of your normal routine or habits. Just keep taking steps towards your goal. You mentioned that you didn't have Diet Coke yesterday (or the day before?) because it wasn't in the house - I truly do believe that if you don't want to have it, then removing the temptation in the first place is the way to go. Your body will get used to it ... if you give it the chance. Caffeine withdrawal headaches are terrible, but they're not going to to kill you ;) You have to convince yourself that you'll be fine without it ... and I know you will be!

    Good luck with week 7 :)

  4. Oh girl, I feel you on the TOM bloating. My record for bloating: 5.8 lbs in one day! Just remember that it will come off and it's not fat gain.

    Great job on the hike and love the pict!

    Good luck with week 7!

    1. I'm glad to hear that I am not alone with these insane TOM weight spikes.

      I hope you have a great week 7 as well!

  5. I've had a few bad weeks, so I can relate! I think that even just being aware of where we are struggling is helpful. No point in denying the struggles. They are there. When we are aware of them, it gets just a little bit easier to conquer them.
    Love the picture, looks like you had a good time!

    1. We did have a good time on the hike. We were cracking up in the photo because Bailey (my 10 year old) told his Dad to quit making face and Michael replied "I'm not making faces Bailey, this is my face." It was so comical.

  6. I would definitely take the loss! This week, plan your day to include some exercise. That has really helped me get into a habit of doing it. Have a great week 7!

  7. You look cute together! ♥

    I can totally relate to the goal of no diet coke. I suck at staying off it, and I've accepted that quitting is a bit .. down the road..

    1. Thank you, Maren. We've been together for 12 years. I love him as much today as I did the day we were married. He is a great guy and I am very lucky to have him.
