Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 137

Today a so-so day. I woke up with a massive headache which has lasted I spent a lot of time on the couch because it hurt too bad when I would stand up. I'm not sure what caused it, but it has been horrible. After taking meds, I was able to do some laundry, cook, and do dishes.

Michael made it home not long after I finished cooking and asked if I wanted to do P90X Stretching with him. It lasts an hour, but I only made it 40 minutes. It wasn't really that hard, and I could have done the entire thing, but a friend called asking me about geneaology research so Michael finished up without me. Now, when I say it wasn't hard, I don't mean it wasn't hard. Haha. I mean, it wasn't faced paced cardio. I wasn't gasping for breath and didn't have sweat rolling off every inch of my body. But, it was hard to do. I consider myself to be a very flexible person and a few of the positions I found too advanced. I can tell that it had an impact on my body, because here we are about 6 hours later and I can tell I will be a little sore tomorrow from using muscles I don't normally use.

I did fantastic today with my water. Easily got in 8 glasses.

Food went well until about 9 pm then it was right down the drain. Why do I keep doing this to myself?!


  1. I found the stretch and yoga dvds of the P90 collection to be the toughest, for sure!

    When I'm fighting the urge toe at at night, I have some herbal tea and/or go to bed. I used to be one of those people that was like, "yeah, right? tea?? gonna help me not eat??" But it kinda does take the edge off and gives your mouth something to do.

  2. Good job on getting in 40 minutes of the workout, especially after having a headache which I find to be so draining.

    The late night munchies can be a killer, but I agree with Jenn. I used to think that tea couldn't help, but it really does. Have something soothing like peppermint and slowly sip it while reminding yourself that the hunger you're feeling at that time is probably all psychological. You just need to push through.

    1. I think it may be more eating out of habit than being hungry.

  3. Hope the headache goes away. I'm not flexible at all and definitely need to start stretching. Great job with the water and working out.

    1. Thanks! You should check out the P90X stretching.
