Sunday, April 1, 2012

READY FOR SUMMER Challenge Week 1 Check-In

Week 1 is over already? Wow. That went by fast!

My goals for this past week were:

Weight loss :: Lose at least 2 lbs. More would be great, but I really want to lose at least 2 lbs this week.

My weight this morning as 292.8. I am only down 1 lb, however the last couple days have been insane. I will not dwell on what I didn't do. I am thrilled to have lost a lb!

NSV (Non-Scale Victory) :: See a change in my measurements. Even a tiny change. You can see my progress so far, HERE.

My current measurements:
Neck: 16.25 (-0.25)
Right Wrist: 6.75
Bust: 54
Band: 49
Waist: 54.5 (-1.5)
Hips: 58 (-2)
Right Arm: 17
Right Thigh: 29
Right Calf: 18
Right Ankle: 10
Total inches lost this week : 3.75 

Exercise :: Work out at least 5x.  

This was a success as well! I have worked out harder this week than I have in a long time. Even though I was very busy Fri and Sat, I still have managed to get in deliberate workouts 5 out of 7 days!  WOO!

Nutrition :: No eating out, count my calories everyday, and stay within my pre-set goals on My Fitness Pal.

Ok, so this one didn't go so well. I did eat out on Fri and Saturday. Friday I did try to make good decisions. Saturday not so much. But I did go 5 days without eating out!!! 

I'm ready for WEEK 2. I think I will keep my goals the same as they were this week. It is going to be great. Good luck everyone!!


  1. Keep taking your measurements! Haha! I had times where the scale didn't budge, but my measurements were still dropping. A loss is a loss, and I think you did great. Eating out has always been a challenge for me. Me and my husband love to go get good food, but once I went a whole month without fast food, and it felt great. I am thinking of doing a mini challenge on my blog to pledge to avoid fast food. :)

    1. I didn't eat fast food for the whole month of January and a lot of February. This weekend was hard because we were away from home with the kids on a 4-H trip across the state to show rabbits.

  2. Little steps! You've done well so far and thought about your goals that's a great start!

  3. You did very well with your goals. Good luck with week two. :)

    1. Thank you! I've had better weeks, that is for sure. Good luck with week 2, too!

  4. Congrats on the inches and the exercise. It looks like you had a successful week and a 1lb weight loss is Awesome! Good luck with week 2!

  5. You did great! Good job on the exercising!

    1. Thanks. I actually feel like a failure, but I am trying to feel more positive.

  6. Wow!! Way to go!!! Love your attitude!!! I agree with Sarah. Eating out is the worst for me too. I order a lot of salads. lol Great job!!!

    1. I don't want to eat out at all if I can avoid it, but there was no avoiding it. I could have matter better decisions though.

  7. Only 1 pound?! It's still one pound, girl! Be proud of that. =)

  8. Woohooo!! You kicked butt!! Congrats on your losses!!!

  9. Well done on week 1. I saw a change in my measurements this week as well - it's always nice to see some numbers go down :) Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! Congrats on the measurements change. That's fantastic.

  10. Sounds like you're doing well with your goals! Congrats on the loss! Have a great week 2! :D

  11. Way to go in the first week! You're doing so well!

  12. Great job on your exercising goal! Glad you had a good week!
    Have another one!

  13. I'm so glad I started doing measurements as well as weigh ins... because some weeks one or the other won't change and I need that extra encouragement. You've got some excellent goals. Stick to 'em!
