Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 123

Yesterday was day 123. It was a long, busy, and emotional day. I helped Bai with school work, cooked, cleaned, done dishes, picked D up from school, and then cooked and cleaned a little more. I also bathed our Shih Tzu Sophie, again! She is the craziest Shih Tzu I've ever seen. A wonderful inside dog while she is inside, but the second you let her outside she hits mud puddles or sand piles wide open. She doesn't just splash through them. She rolls in it. I love her to bits, but I just don't have the time and energy to try to keep her clean. We can't let her hair get over an inch long or it is matted in a couple days. There is no way I could bath her every single day and it wouldn't be good for her either. So, we keep her hair short... which eventually runs into money. So I've taken on cutting her hair myself. I've been doing it for about a year now. It by no means looks professional, but it is easy to wash and doesn't get matted.

I walked a mile on the treadmill last night, and did so only because I made myself. I had no desire to walk at all. I was too emotional. I cried a lot yesterday over the transplant issues. Food wasn't great, but the scale stayed dead even this morning. At least there wasn't a gain. I didn't binge, but I ate more than I should have.


  1. I have a Lhasa Apso with the same problem. His hair has curl to it too, so it mats right up! We also live out in the country and he gets into everything (which is pretty impressive for such a prissy dog. But he likes to explore the brush and woodsy areas whenever possible.) I think you did a great job with the cut, I've been cutting his hair short myself as well. I kinda think he's cuter this way!

    1. Yep, Sophie loves brush, burrs, etc too! It saves a ton of money doing it yourself, it may not look perfect, but close enough. WTG on cutting your little ones hair. Did you teach yourself or how did you learn? Oh, and you are right. I like the shorter hair too. Much cuter.

  2. When emotionally distracted it can be so tough to concentrate on workouts/nutrition etc. Well done for getting on the treadmills. Try to walk off (sweat out) the stress and frustration. *hugs*

    1. You are so right. I was emotional because of the transplant issues, but a lot probably had to do with Aunt Flo being on her way as well. It's a week early, but she showed up this morning.
